A poem on awakening to our more than human community…to explore what it means to be of a place…to root down deep. Kindom was written in Sconset Nantucket

Walker, listener, intuitive | each morning a beginner.

Christine Morro writes poetry and creates art informed by the anima of the natural world, inspired by the sacred in the ordinary, the flight of shorebirds and the just after. Enlarged by encounters with the more than human world she seeks to enter this opening through a weaving back into our ecomythological story — to live the question how to belong to earth. Her writing is an offering to readers in the form of prayers, poems, incantations. A reminder to keep pace with the rhythms and cycles of earth, to navigate with attention.

Christine's poetry has appeared in Reliquiae (Corbel Stone Press); her prose and photography have appeared in Minding Nature, (Center for Humans and Nature), Landlines (Leeds University UK), The Pilgrim, Flyway Journal 2022. Her debut collection, In Beauty We Are Made Visible was published in 2022 by Middle Creek Publishing & Audio, from which her book She Who Sees the World is also forthcoming. Learn more at www.christinemorro.weebly.com
