About the 2023 judge, Thomas McGuire.

Thomas McGuire is an ecopoet, translator, essayist, and literary critic. His work has appeared in journals and anthologies such as North American Review, Poetics for the More-Than-Human-World, Ekphrastic Review, Dispatches from the Poetry Wars, and Open-Eyed, Full-Throated. He is the Editor of War, Literature & the Arts. He was a 2008 Fulbright Scholar to Ireland. In 2014, he completed a twenty-four-year Air Force career. Currently, he serves as a Professor of English at the U.S. Air Force Academy where he directs the Air Force Humanities Institute and teaches poetry, war literature, and creative writing. His poem, "Snag Breac at Glendalough, Co. Wicklow," won the 2022 River Heron Review Poetry Prize.